Planetbase Wikia
Build InteriorStructure ControlCenter

Interior Structure that controls other structures.

Control Centers enable more advanced base management features, including the ability to set an Alert level, which can be set using the Security Controls (F6) window. Engineers, Workers, and Guards will operate consoles within the Control Center to control other buildings like the Radio Antenna or Telescope. Armories can be built to store Guns.

Control center components are along the walls and thus you should try to minimize the number of connection to optimize the space inside.

-No Alert: All Colonists go about their duties normally.

-Yellow Alert: Sounds an alarm that tells all colonists to go/stay indoors, which is useful for Natural Disasters like Sandstorms, and Medics and Guards go on extended duty.

-Red Alert: Same as Yellow Alert, but all colonists will try to attack intruders, armed or not.

Security control ui edited
Size Cost Consumption
Medium 2 Resources Metal Small 2 Resources Bioplastic Small 1.5 Stats PowerConsumption
Large 4 Resources Metal Small 4 Resources Bioplastic Small 2.5 Stats PowerConsumption


Security Console[]

Size Cost
One Size 1 Resources Metal Small 1 Resources Bioplastic Small

A Guard will monitor suspicious activity in a few structures (20) from this console. This will allow you to detect intruders before they kill anybody.

Radio Console[]

Size Cost
One Size 1 Resources Metal Small 1 Resources Bioplastic Small

A Worker will monitor a Radio Antenna from here.

Telescope Console[]

Size Cost
One Size 1 Resources Metal Small 1 Resources Bioplastic Small

An Engineer will monitor a Telescope from here.


Size Cost
One Size 1 Resources Metal Small

A place to store guns.

